FACETA unifies diversity of professionals whose main concern is the realization of empowered community in which the youth, women, elderly, adults and children are actively involved in positive activities that will ensure socio-economic welfare in the entire Dodoma Region . The mission of FACETA is to care for the basic needs and priorities of the poorest, especially the women and children and empower them towards their overall development and self-reliance.
Since its formation FACETA has worked with grass root communities in Dodoma Region to facilitate, and conduct training on entrepreneurship for the widows, provided nutritional support to the children, bought educational materials such exercise books, pens and pencils as well as paying for the school fees for some pupils in the public primary schools. The charity has established skilled and competent staff capable to manage its programmes. Further more the organization has managed to establish a strong network with the grass root communities to carry out a variety of functions, and further stimulate social-economic recovery /development in the region. Also to create incentives and systems that encourage and assist young people to contribute in eradication of poverty through local and international volunteering work and bringing together all Tanzanian individuals, families and groups to share national resources for the common good.