FACETA-Tanzania Secondary school youth clubs: A-YOUTH IN SCHOOL –“At Foolish Age” but Active Citizens
Impart them with life skills: Improve personality, Reproductive Health
Education, HIV/AIDS, STDs, STIs through FACETA-Youth Clubs
Educate them to become aware of future-career opportunity to explore their
Learn by participation: Arranging debate on the existing subject matters; such
as HIV/AIDS, STDs, Environment conservation, efficient and effective Natural
Resources utilization for more production,
Facilitate Environment Healthy and Sanitation including Personal hygiene.
Enable them with future career opportunity-prepare them for future leadership
responsibility and accountability
Teach youth about time management skill-the value of time in everyday life.
Cash management control and discipline.
Sports and game

Help them to learn from other the issues which concern them and their responses.
Providing reliable information about prevailing law and regulations
Life skill Reproductive Health Education, HIV/AIDS, STDs, STIs
Education on how to avoid Drugs abuse
Teach them to avoid “give and take” Corruption Prevention Education
Environment conservation
Encourage youth to engage in agriculture as a major employment opportunity
place to raise their income
Raise awareness, understanding and appreciation of socio-economic realities of
their own country.
Promote peace and unity by developing integration, solving problems peaceful,
reducing enemy images and respecting differences- Real Democracy
Cash management control and discipline
Sports and game