Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project
FACETA believes that educating children is key to ensuring a country’s long term development prosperity. Our hope is that one day every child will have access to a pre-primary class and benefit from a quality education at both primary and secondary level.
There are many complex challenges in education in Tanzania, in particular the Tanzanian Government highlight limited resources, fast growing school populations and low pass rates as the most pressing issues. Other connected problems are the high truancy and drop out rates due to fact that schools lack teacher’s, quality teaching and learning, but also because for many families the costs of schooling and hidden costs (contributions, uniforms, shoes, socks, books, pens and exam fees) are a real burden and therefore many children remain unable to access an education.
FACETA-Tanzania as NGO is currently work with Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) to support them in accessing their rights which violated. Investing in child’s future is one of the most sustainable projects done by FACETA-Tanzania aiming to improve the living conditions and quality of care for the world’s most vulnerable children by targeting food security, access to educational support.
An orphan is a child under the age of 18 whose mother, father, both parents, or a primary caregiver has died, and who is in need of care or protection OR simply is a person below the age of 18 years who has lost one or both parents.
A vulnerable child is a person below the age of 18 living in a situation that exposes him or her to significant physical, emotional or mental harm.
The number of orphans and vulnerable children throughout East and Southern Africa is growing. In large part this due to the death of parents from HIV/AIDS. It has been estimated that by 2008, 12 million children under the age of 18 had been orphaned by the disease.
As FACETA Tanzania recognized the important of investing in child’s and understanding the challenges orphans and vulnerable children face. The organization has been providing education support and technical advice to 80 orphans from 2009 to 2012, however the organization aim to support 200 OVCs in the year 2016. This is because the number of orphans is very high which there is a need of immediate support to them.
Future plans
Also in future FACETA-Tanzania aim to establish Vocational Training Development Center (VTDC) for orphans and vulnerable children which will provide different courses to become self reliant. It invites the donors, partners to provide services starting from the values of love compassion. This will enable the country to achieve the vision of a society where all children live to their full potential and their rights are protected. As the number of Orphans and Vulnerable Children grows, their communities become less capable of addressing all their basic needs, including their ability to go to school.
On this project, Volunteers from within and abroad are invited to come and work with OVC’s on different activities eg. Sports, games, teaching English etc.
Be part of it….!