“To organize and recognize young ICT professionals on usage and advancement of ICT academically, socially, economically and politically

as well.”


The goal of the organization is to represent and promote the Information and

Communications Technology (ICT) professional and ICT professionalism, as well as to

elevate ICT capability in Tanzania.


The organization has the following specific objectives:

1. To encourage and promote the deployment and utilization of ICTs within the

society and economy to: improve organizational efficiency and performance, as

well as support and facilitate the development of Tanzania’s human resources.

2. To promote and support national efforts and initiatives aimed at accelerating the

development of the local ICT production and service sector of the economy into a

globally competitive sector.

3. To facilitate the exchange of opinions and views on Information and

Communications Technology and to inform and promote knowledge of ICT to

members and the public for the development and use of ICT.

4. To establish a public awareness of the potential impact of information systems

and to protect the public and individuals against the misuse of information


5. By representing industry practitioners, to inform and lobby Government on ICT


6. To promote the use of ICT in education, health, agriculture, business,

environmental and tourism sectors.

7. To conduct and facilitate researches on ICT and publish results for the benefits of

the whole society.

8. To subscribe, affiliate or become a member of other bodies (nationally or

internationally) with similar objectives, in the interests of the Association.

9. Promote/Assist any other related activities that are in the interests of the


10. To maintain and promote the observance of a code of professional conduct for

members of the Association.


The following are organizational strategies/activities to accomplish our started


1. Conferences, workshops, Seminars & Talks

The organization will organise Conferences, workshops, Seminars & Talks to enable local and neighboring computing educators, Students, researchers, and ICT professionals to interact and to share their work in computing, computer science, computer engineering, computational science, and information and communications technology (ICT)

2. Knowledge portal and online forums

The organization will establish the knowledge portal that provides access to acclaimed national and international magazines, journal articles and conference papers, covering innovative research and practice in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). This service is provided free to the ICT professional and the community as part of commitment to advancing the ICT professional and to ensure the beneficial use of technology for the community. Also the organization will establish online forums that will enable professionals and the whole community to discuss issues concerning ICT and online problemsolving.

3. Public awareness programs/projects /activities

The organization will enhance public ICT awareness by promote and facilitate National Awareness Campaigns and Educational Programs on the role of ICTs for socio-economic development and to obtain from members and other sources information relating to ICT, and to disseminate such information amongst the public and the society by means of journals, circulars, publications, lectures,seminars, conferences or otherwise.

4. Awards, Competitions & Trophies for Winners
The Association organises competitions and gives trophies for various achievements within the IT industry. Such as presentation excellence awards form path-breaking projects, young IT professional award, best student paper, best speaker award on certain event. Also by conducting competitions such as writing computer programs or software/system development to solve given problems. An example of competition is the software competition for universities/colleges student .The Association initially instituted a national university/College software competition. The competition which is run under international competition rules is opened to all college/university students. The competition also provides opportunities for the Student of Tanzania to acquire better understanding of the computing world. The main objective is to bring out problem solving and programming talents, in university/colleges students, with speed, accuracy and team co-ordination. In a competitive environment, both at national and international levels, it would motivate them with due recognition, besides winning awards of attractive prize and certificates.

5. Encouraging secondary school students
The association recognizes that primary and secondary students are the ones who will participate fully in the new world of computing. The association will design and implement programs and projects for primary and secondary schools to promote the goodwill of the ICT. The Association believes that the future of Information Technology lies in the eager and willing hands of the young students because they have dreams, hopefully much larger dreams, and it is in the next millennium that they would carry the torch forward. Therefore, it is our duty to

give them an opportunity to learn the new developments in Information Technology to meet the challenges of the next millennium.

6. Partnering, Networking and become a member with other organizations

The Association works towards a global approach, by seeking out alliances with organizations inside the country and overseas that may be willing to comem forward and participate in achieving our objectives by partnering, networking or becoming a member. The Association believes that by working closely with other industries, organizations, associations, institutions, government agencies and academia nationally and internationally will ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every single person in the society.

7. Researches
The Association will conduct and facilitate the conduction of researches on ICT which will provides reliable and accurate information that will be useful to us on achievement of our objectives and for the benefits of the society as well as the whole ICT industry in Tanzania.